Our Red Ribbon Rally has moved online! Join us (virtually) the last week of October (or anytime!) to encouraging students to live happy, healthy, drug-free lives!
Red Ribbon Week is all about finding our Natural Highs!
On this page you will find 5 modules, one for each day of Red Ribbon Week. Each module includes a short video followed by a potential activity and discussion topic that should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about this event, please email us at rstevenson@drugfreeidaho.org or call 208-543-7575.
/ Nat-u-ral / hi /
A Natural High is an activity, art or sport
that you love to do and
makes you feel good inside.
What does Kristin encourage you to do if a friend is pressuring you to do things you don't agree with or keeps you in a bad environment?
What are some examples of positive peer pressure?
Central Theme: Choose your friends wisely
Corbin's passion for animals and teaching others about them started early in life, how has following that passion benefited him?
Have students write down something they are passionate about , something they can do to follow that passion, and something that could get in the way.
Central Theme: Drugs interfere with your passions
Nicole described some tools she uses to get out of "sticky situations" what were those tools?
Give students a few minutes to write where they see themselves in 6 months, 5 years, and 10 years.
Central Theme: Have a plan for saying no to drugs
What does Vincent mean when he describes substance abuse as a “social buffalo”.
Have students brainstorm ideas for how them and their friends can help keep the "social buffalo" of substance abuse at bay.
Central Theme: Substance abuse impacts everyone
Natural Highs are an essential (and fun!) element to living a happy healthy drug-free life.
What is your Natural High?
Our videos have subtitles! Simply click the "CC" button and select "English (United States)" to enable them.
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